oil pipeline Alchemy Classic Cheats

How to make oil pipeline in Alchemy Classic?

What can you make with oil pipeline in Alchemy Classic?

Combine withCreate
incomplete factoryoil refinery

Walkthrough for oil pipeline in Alchemy Classic

  1. air + fire = lightning
  2. earth + fire = stone
  3. fire + water = alcohol
  4. earth + water = swamp
  5. fire + stone = metals
  6. 2 * air + lightning = NO2
  7. stone + water = salt water
  8. 3 * fire + metals = copper
  9. 2 * fire + metals = zinc
  10. lightning + swamp = amino acids
  11. NO2 + water = hydrogen
  12. air + salt water = fog
  13. fire + fog = steam
  14. amino acids + swamp = bacteria
  15. 2 * bacteria = cells
  16. bacteria + water = algae
  17. algae + earth = moss
  18. cells + water = plankton
  19. alcohol + bacteria = mutating bacteria
  20. copper + zinc = CuZn battery
  21. earth + moss = grass
  22. earth + grass = bamboo
  23. bamboo + metals = wood
  24. fire + wood = carbon
  25. algae + plankton = fish
  26. metals + wood = tools
  27. fish + swamp = amphibians
  28. carbon + hydrogen = hydrocarbon
  29. earth + hydrocarbon = oil field
  30. amphibians + mutating bacteria = alien
  31. bamboo + tools = tube
  32. 2 * tube = tubing
  33. metals + tools + wood = incomplete mechanism
  34. CuZn battery + alien + metals = robot
  35. incomplete mechanism + steam = steam engine
  36. steam + steam engine = pressure
  37. alien + robot = active robot
  38. active robot + earth + metals = drilling rig
  39. drilling rig + earth = borehole
  40. incomplete mechanism + pressure = pump
  41. oil field + pump = jack pump
  42. borehole + jack pump = oil
  43. oil + tubing = oil pipeline
Alchemy Classic Cheats